My Course History

On this page, you can find out where you might receive transfer credit for courses you've already taken. Use the search engine below to add courses (or a list of courses) you have taken.

You will need the following information:

  • The institution where you took the course;
  • The semester/term and year you took the course;
  • The name of the course (including the prefix and number); and
  • The grade you received for the course.

Select multiple institution and +Add Course(s) if applicable to your search. A list of courses you enter will be displayed under 'Course History.'

Click 'Search for Transfers' and you'll be taken to another page and shown the results of your course search. This is where your courses may transfer to other colleges, universities, or Indigenous Institutes.

Enter Courses

Add a Course

*denotes required field

Select your course from these matches.
(e.g. Prefix: PSYC Number: 100 Title: Introduction to Psychology)

Course History

You currently have no courses selected.